Okay so, I know I've been silent in my last few posts and haven't said anything, but now I do have something to say. I've been silent and not nearly blogging "properly" because I was so excited for October it's my only favorite month that I just love. Something about the month of October is just electrifying well not this year and maybe no more after. I had really high highs coming into October, I felt extremely positive, but as it grew closer towards the end of the month the more I felt my sanity shift.
I am burnt out and my creativity is shot and I am at the point where I just don't care. I am not sure if it's because of all I been through this year, but this has been one of the most horrific moments of my life and I just giving up. I'm finding a disconnect with everything reality and second life. I cry on and off, my moods switch like a light switch.
I'm so angry and frustrated.
- Knovokaine
What is Kodeine wearing?
CAMO - Asa Dreads [New][@ Instore Release]
Head: Lelutka Evo X Lilly 3.1
Eyes: Veechi - Destiny Eyes - Dark pack [New][@
Body: The Shops - Legacy Female Perky Petite
Eyebrows: Ruda - Minerva
Tattoo: Fewness - Burn the Witch Tattoo [New][@
Hallow Manor]
Eye bleed: SAXO - Bleeding Eyes lel EVOX Unisex (Tintable) [1L on marketplace]
Face Cuts: UNHOLY_Ravage BOM Tattoo (Merged) [New][@
The Dark Style Fair] [They are 'there', but I didn't know my mouth and hair covered them up along with my piercing 🤷🏾♀️]
Crown: ::Static:: Barbed Wire Crown - Rust
Bandages: Astralia - Bloody Bandages (Update!) [Comes in: Ebody Reborn, Kupra, Legacy and Maitreya]
Leg Wires: Normandy-Leg.Wires
Body Wires: ERSCH - 01 Baby Wire
Nails: Unicult - Tenacious - Spooky Regular [New][@
Collar: theROOM - "Blackthorn" collar (M) [Part of 'Blackthorn' collection][New][@
The Dark Style Fair]
SEKA's Creepy Waifu Bod [Available in Multi-bodies: Freya, Ebody Reborn, Kupra Flat, Kupra Kups A,B, Kupra, Legacy Perky, Legacy, Maitreya Flat, Maitreya Petite, Maitreya, and Slink Hourglass] [New] [@ Access Halloween]
Balloons: ChiMia:: Halloween Balloons - grey [New][@
Roses: BROKEN ARROWS - Death Roses - Red [New][@
Backdrop: Taken at a new event called
Abstrakt, will open up in November please stay tuned!
Black Cats poses - Infected FATPACK [New][@ Only Available for either promo price and/or buyable during October 31st]