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    So now that the holiday season is over. It's time for me to legit talk about the new Powder Pack that came out in November. Ya, I am late, but hey better than never correct? Now, I spoke a little bit about my feelings in October about my mental health and in November it was just the worst for me. I have the winter blues where I just don't want to do anything. I am legit forcing myself to complete everything I have on my plate and it's unappetizing. As I was explaining to a friend I am just not looking forward to the holidays and everything about it, because I don't have anything to be happy. All my happiness was taken away. 

    Moving along. 

    Lets go ahead and talk about the November Powder Pack. 

  1. Amara Beauty - Pauline - Fatpack - Evo X 
  2. Utopia - Emma Fatpack - Evo X 
  3. Allure - Minho Skin  
  4. Psycho Pills 
  5. Dernier Luminous Highlighter 
  6. Ives The Feels Lipgloss 
  7. Gloom The Neutral Collection 
  8. Velour La Fama Collection 
  9. Velour Daniela Skin Evo X (Powder Pack Reservation Gift)(Worn in Photo)(Keep in mind it's not part of the pack. It's a reservation gift) 
    Mind you I accidently took the reservation gift on accident because I thought it was the Powder Pack but it wasn't. I will talk about the skin though. Coming from Velour this is my least favorited face from them and I honestly hated the nose on this face. Normally my face is pretty much a decent looking face not too oddly shaped so things are okay lined up, but when I put this skin on my face the nose was just not vibing with me at all. So this face basically made me revamp my entire face. But! Do keep in mind I am wearing a new head, River, which will probably be my go to head for now on so not every skin will be a perfect match or line up correctly for River because it's an andro head. 

    It also came in three tones: Brownie, Chocolate and Ebony. I'm wearing Ebony. Now, I am trying to build up a collection of Ebony. I am a fan of darker tones versus lighter ones. I'll pick Ebony over Chocolate and Mali if the choice is there. So I'll go Moonlight, Ebony, and Brownie because it's a good balance between Velour's skin tones. I use to just buy Moonlight, Mali, and Brownie. I am not really sure why no one is really making for Moonlight expect for Moccino? But skin creators Moonlight is a pretty colour. 

    I do love how Powder Pack are doing little limited themes. I thought that was neat and creative and something different than before. I really Loved Melanin Magic and would love to see a part 2 of that. One thing that I disliked about Melanin Magic was that it wasn't enough skins? And the standout skin was Heaux Malia skins hands down. Heaux needs to make darker tones more often seriously. 

    In this recent November pck I was not impressed with that fell short again was Gloom. I'm not sure if it's because I'm used to his eyes or I just do not like his skins and makeup anymore. Or I'm just waiting for the day for him to get out of his box and do something else. I am not sure, but I was NOT feeling his neutral collection. I do not know what I am expecting from Gloom, but when I see it I'll know. I'm sorry Davhie, but it fell short again this time. 

    So go get the pack if you hadn't, or if you're waiting on December's pack that is great, but taht is one thought process on Novembers pack. In December, I'm going to try to do a video, because I'll be off of work due to School going on winter break and Powder Pack releases that Friday on the 17th and that is my last day of work with the schools so. It's perfect. I'll try to do the video and unpacking so we'll see how my computer wanna work. 


What is Kodeine wearing? 



Hair: [Yomi] Zephyr Hair [New][@ The Warehouse Sale][Comes in: Large, Med, Small. Fits: Flat, Petite chests and Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, Reborn Chests] 

Head: Lelutka Evo X River 3.1 

Skin: VELOUR: Daniela for Evo X (EBONY - NB) [New][@ Powder Pack November Reservation Pack

Body: The Shops - Legacy Female Perky Petite 


Scars: Mana. // Hectic - Full Scars w/o Eye - Dark [New][@ Salvage Station


Eyepatch: + Oculus Patch L + {Aii & Ego} [New][@ Salvage Station

Key: ::CHERRYISH:: Billie Keyring - Cooper - (F) [New][@ The Warehouse Sale] 

Collar: .Tardfish. Clockwork Beetle - Gold [New][@ Salvage Station


Top: .SULFUR. // Snap Top - [Legacy Perky][New][@ The Warehouse Sale][ Comes in: Ebody Reborn, Perky, Legacy, Maitreya] 

Harness: Eliavah ~ Opulence Harness [Legacy Perky TIGHT][Keep in mind I did some editing in the photo for the harness because it did some clipping.][Comes in: Reborn, Freya, Legacy & Perky, Maitreya, Flat, & Perky] [Loose or Tight]