Enjoy some tunage
What am I wearing?
Hair: lock&tuft - sojourn hair [New][@ The Warehouse Sale]
Head: Lelutka Evo X River 3.1
Ears: :ANDORE: - ears - PIXIE - C (f) [L.E.X]
Skin: ALT3 > Ryu - [Minty Mist]
Eyes: 19. Landgraff - Trippy Eyes RARE
Body: The Shops - Legacy Female
I stacked quite a bit of these so if you are interested in of these particular let me know which one
Face 1: 20. Landgraff - Trippy Bandages RARE
Face 2: -ROUXS- b u t t e r f l y e f f e c t n e c k - face v1
Nose: RZ, RZ. Deadly Nose/Mouth Bleed Full V.1 L
Ear: -ROUXS- scar ears L.EVOX
Tattoo: CHINGON. Destino
Tattoo 2: -ROUXS- b u t t e r f l y e f f e c t b o d y
Bandages Hands: RZ. Fighter Hands - Full Hand
Bandages Arms: RZ. Fighter Arms
Horns: [ Pirocious ] - Chub Nub Horns
Earrings: LVL9 X Gorsimi - Ribbit Gauges [New][@ The Warehouse Sale][These are rigged for the Swallow Ears Human/Pixie. They come with a unrigged version and I'm a huge fan of Andore ears I use them quite a lot so I was extremely happy it was an unrigged copy so I just resized them to fit the gauge hole which was perfect fit]
Cigarette: RZ. Deadly Cigarette (No Smoke)
Headphones: Bondi. The Rockstar Headphones
Cheeks: ::Livido:: Cheek Tunnel With Lid
Choker: .random.Matter. - Meki Choker [Black]
Top: Loki - Dakota Cropped Tank Top [New][@ The Fifty][Comes in Legacy/Perky/Maitreya/Reborn
Pants: N-Core Lorena Pants & Suspenders