She charms anyone that comes into her lair. If it's a child she lures them in with promises of desserts and toys. If it's men and women; sometimes seduction works, needing a place to rest, food, or fortunes told. She was a devious creature who could hide her appearance. She was cursed to live in such a wretched place. Once a beautiful maiden of her village she stumbled upon a beggar. The beggar asked for a few coins and she scoffed and pushed the beggar away. As sun was setting, night was beginning. She was walking towards her home on the long path between the woods. The beggar once again, pleaded with her for a few coins and she brushed them off with a snobbish nose. The beggar finally took off their disguise and revealed themselves to be a handsome wizard.
Shocked, she was. Her demeanor changed once she realized the beggar transformed into a handsome wizard. The wizard saw her for what she was. A vile creature who was vain and cared for nothing of humanity. The wizard cursed her beauty and transformed her into a creature that was horrifying and sentenced her to the darkest depths where everyone will forget her and only the creatures that were just as vile and ugly as her lived. Pleading with the handsome wizard, the curse already took form. Her skin turned blue and scales formed. Her legs became conjoined and grew fins. Her face had scales and was rough.
She cried as she drove into the murky waters near her home and swam far away where she belonged. Where no one could see what she had become. The once beautiful maiden turned now into a hideous creature. She now made her home into the swamps. The creatures became her family and minions. Doing her evil deeds. Her hatred for humanity grew to where she killed anyone that walked into her territory getting her revenge on anyone that dared walk into this murky trap.
What am I wearing?
Hair: CAMO - River F-Locs
Head: Lelutka Evo X River 3.1
Skin: ::Loa:: Fay Skin ~LeL EVO X / VELOUR~ (green alien) NB
EVERMORE. [ skin.tone - tint/adjust ] - 50%
Body: REBORN by eBODY v1.69.4
Scales 1: Achroma - Drakon Complete Set [New][@ Fantasy Faire, Nysaris]
Mermaid Mod: mermade. // Reptilia: Blue [New][@ Fantasy Faire, Isles of Aquarius]
Earrings: Zen Child Designs - Mossy Melty Mushroom Earring [New][@ Abnormality Event][Comes in Static & Animated; No texture hud, come as is]
Claws: [:MILKBATH:] Raptor Claws [New][@ Abnormality Event][Comes in Legacy & Reborn only]
Mermaid Tail: {Aii & Ego} +Riptide Mermaid Tail+
Top: Normandy-Tendaji.Top [New][@ Abnormality Event][Comes in Legacy/Perky, Maitreya, Reborn/Mounds/Teacups]